A supplier in China, that
communicates well and
delivers quickly

There you are…

Early in the morning or late at night, behind your laptop, trying to explain to your supplier in China what you want…

You feel frustrated because the culture and language barrier creates errors and uncertainty.

You also feel that your supplier is not listening to you, and you feel stressed because your goods are not delivered on time.

Making matters worse, after your repeated attempts to communicate about what you want, your supplier in China still doesn’t quite understand what you mean.

You feel like your supplier doesn’t care about your business or your needs.

This causes you a lot of anxiety and might cause you to lose focus on everything else.

Errors due to poor communication with your supplier can cost you thousands.

But it doesn’t have to be that way…

Delivery services


Get ahead of the competition:

Fillbox offers real-time communication, niche branding options, and detailed tracking of your orders.

We understand how important communication is – Good communication is one of our core values.

Based in China, we have first-hand experience in sourcing, private labeling of products, and order fulfillment.

We communicate in real-time about any issues that may arise, so you never have to worry about poor communication again.

If you’re not happy with your current supplier… It’s time for a change.

Base in China

Nich branding

Detailed tracking