An unique Shopify App that speeds up the sourcing and fulfillment process.

Free App

To improve our partners’ experiences we have created an unique Shopify App that speeds up the sourcing and fulfillment process. While most of our competitors are public Apps we keep it private. We also don’t handle 1000s of customers like others. Simply because we know that to build a store or brand takes a lot of work. Which can only be achieved if we focus on selected partners who have the same goals as us, instead of going for the mass. And that starts with a supplier who understands what is required and is straightforward in the process.

By using our software for your Shopify store you are certain to have a pleasant experience because almost 90% will be automated. Order fulfillment, mapping, notifications, tracking status, you have to do 0 work. Reports, sheets, invoices are created in a few clicks. We also offer custom development if certain requirements are needed.

Automated process

Automated process

Our App makes sure that almost the whole process from sourcing to fulfillment is automated. You can request a quote with 1 click and we will have it ready in a few hours. We also map and set up your products so you only need to focus on selling.

All partners working with us have their orders auto-fulfilled, meaning we always send out your goods no matter the payment status. If an order has an issue you can create a ticket in 1 click and we solve it within 48 hours

Advanced tracking

Advanced tracking

After fulfilling an order a tracking number is automatically generated and sent to your customers. With this tracking number your customers can see detailed information about the whereabouts of their orders.

By using our internal track system you will be able to follow all orders as well. You can see when orders leave our warehouse and select transit times to see if any order has an issue. This way you are able to oversee your shipments more clearly and notify your customers in advance if needed. We will push notifications to you for when your customers need to pick up their orders and much more! With 1 click you can see which last mile track number belongs to which carrier.



We can source almost any product. All source requests can be done with 1 click through our App. Usually we can quote within a few hours or at least the same day. Sometimes we need more information from local factories before we can finalize a quote to you. Does the factory have stock? Where is their location? How is their quality? These factors also decide how fast we can process your request.

Besides the standard dropship source requests, we offer wholesale as well. You can purchase more items in 1 time to lower the cost. Bulk orders can be arranged through the APP based on the data of your previous

Free warehousing

Free warehousing

Our warehouse is located in Shenzhen. We chose this location because it is the heart of China’s cross border trade. Many factories are located in Dongguan and Guangzhou which are nearby as well. While working from Shenzhen we can purchase your goods more easily and have them delivered faster to our warehouse. More than 50% of our purchased goods arrive the same day in our warehouse. This sounds unrealistic but it is not. It all depends on how you work and how much you want to spend domestically. Long term partners know exactly how we work and how we build and grow together.

At the same time we make sure your inventory can be stored for free in our warehouse.

Unique marketplace

Unique marketplace

Our marketplace is unique and different from our competitors, because we offer niche categories and custom categories from pre-selected factories which we work with. There are many factories in China, but more than 90% don’t have what we want or understand what is needed to succeed. To them it is just volume and price, that’s it. As this sounds crazy, many times they don’t even know the product they sell. They just don’t care!

A small percentage of the local suppliers, who really understand what is needed, are more cooperative, so we can work more closely together to offer you the best. We create unique foreign content if needed and make sure all is perfect for you to start selling. Many of these features are not available from the start, but as we grow together and start knowing each other as partners we will offer you more.

Delivery services
